SIM card dispenser
Digital transformation of SIM-card sales.
It is the world's most advanced self-service kiosk designed to support all types of ISO-7810 cards including SIM, banking, NFC cards, etc.
The main task in the first stage of the design was to fit all the necessary devices into the smallest possible enclosure.
Short history of the process
So that a person could recognize the machine from afar, it was necessary to make visual distinguishing signs, a place for advertising and a description of the service. The side inscriptions are illuminated with LEDs.

To be able to service the device, the front part is retractable, like ATMs. All internal components are located on a frame, which slides forward on a skid.

Next, engineers developed a version of the Simkomat that will be built into the Japanese Rakuten company's enclosures. Technically, it is the same Simkomat, but with a modified external housing and a few nodes.