Convenient tiny badge-like camera that blends in your outfit and looks like an elegant accessory. Operate it with a button or via app. Keep calm and take a shot.
The camera is designed for both still photography and video recording. The device allows you to comfortably capture what is happening.
It should not look like a camera, should not be conspicuous and look like a "computer" device.
The camera should be easy to put on and take off your clothes. A person must understand how to position the camera in relation to the horizon. Taking pictures is activated in two ways: by pressing a button on the camera body and in the app.

Gradually, the concept of creating a minimalist camera focused on the Apple Pencil style emerged. Modern durable and lightweight materials were chosen: aluminum, plastic, glass.
Mini camera
The next step was to prototype the selected concepts. Models printed on a 3D printer gave us the opportunity to understand the dimensions of the sensor and battery. From the printed models, the most aesthetically pleasing shapes were selected.